Monday, March 24, 2014

Dillon Newman
Supreme court case
Virginia vs Black
     In this case the state of Virginia vs Black it was a battle of the first amendment. There were three people on trial for burning crosses in a public area. They all were arrested and said it was there freedom to burn the cross where they please. Virginia has a law to where you can not do this to intimidate any person or group. In the end Virginia won the case and all three were found guilty.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dillon Newman
Bellringer  2/5/14

 I disagree with this change, because people deserve to have the same as everyone else. If they want to spend there money on pop then they should be aloud to. They should choose how and what they spend there money on and they can choose if they want to be a healthy person or not.

Friday, January 10, 2014


10.Famous Jamious a Rapist? Many peple in the sports world were always wondering about the allegations put on fsu qb Jamious Winston. In the end the regected the case and his name was back to good thoughts.


8.Alabama crazies. I love football but no where near what the Alabama faithful do. After their last game a last second lost to rival Auburn, everyone went nuts for awhile. You had people killing people, death threats to players and interviews that changed your view on the way they live down there.





3.Nelson Mandela died. The man who was stuck in prison for 27 years and got out to become the presedint of south africa and unite his home land passed away at the age of 95.

2.Obamacare. The ups and downs of president obamas insurance plan have been everywhere tis year. It was so bad that the government had to shut down for a week or so.

1.Boston Bombing. To me this was the biggest thing that happend. People were killed and our nation was under attack again. Once again we pulled together as a nation and got stronger as a nation.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dillon Newman
I think that this is dumb. This is what it has been for so long the fans love them, they are not putting them down and tring to make them look bad they are not picking on anyone so they should leave it be.
Dillon Newman

To have all of this security at the place you would think that you wouldn't let a nine year old run get on a plane and go all the way to vegas before they relieze. It is crazy and the people need to pay attention.

Monday, September 30, 2013

They all happend in the ninteys and they all killed people. People used bombs to act out in terrorist ways. These were some of the hardest times in the ninteys.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I think people are just spreaking their minds there is nothing wrong with that. It is just their opinion on the winner and they will do and say mean things when the person they like loses. Maybe it was a fixed competition.